[CELGS-07/12/2023] Health economic modelling in diabetes and the role of an international modelling network

Dear Lecturers, Researchers and Students,
The College of Economics, Law and Government would like to respectfully invite lecturers/ researchers to come and share your experiences at the 2nd CELG seminar:

  • Topic: Health economic modelling in diabetes and the role of an international modelling network
  • Presenter: Associate Professor An Duy Tran
  • Time: 09:00 AM (Vietnam), Thursday, December 07, 2023
  • Location: Room B1-204, 279 Nguyen Tri Phuong St, Ward 5, Dist 10, HCMC

Diabetes is a global health issue with over half a billion people living with this condition worldwide in 2021. Individuals with diabetes have increased risks of many complications such as myocardial infarction, stroke and vision loss. Prevention and treatment of diabetes and its complications are crucial to reduce the disease burden. To inform health care and policy for diabetes, simulation models play a vital role in evaluating the long-term health and economic impacts of the interventions and assessing the cost-effectiveness of new technologies for treatment of diabetes. In the first part of the seminar, Assoc Prof Tran will talk about the history of diabetes simulation models and explain how the simulation models work. Concepts of model development will be based on two typical models for type 1 and type 2 diabetes, the COSMO-T1D (https://antranduy.shinyapps.io/cosmo-t1d/) and the UKPDS Outcomes Model (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00125-013-2940-y). Then, an example of the use of the UKPDS Outcomes Model for economic evaluation of a new class of medications for type 2 diabetes in the Australian health system setting will be presented.
In the second part of the seminar, Assoc Prof Tran will share his experience as a member of the Mount Hood Diabetes Challenge Network, an international modelling community of diabetes modellers (https://www.mthooddiabeteschallenge.com/). He will talk about the role of this community in model development, validation and uncertainty assessment. He will conclude the seminar by sharing ideas about research collaborations and topics related to health economics of diabetes in the Vietnamese healthcare settings. 

About presenter:

Associate Professor An Duy Tran

Australian Centre for Accelerating Diabetes Innovations (ACADI)

Melbourne Health Economics

University of Melbourne 


Associate Professor An Duy Tran is Head of the Simulation Modelling and Economics of Chronic Diseases at the University of Melbourne, and the co-Lead of the Health Economics Platform at the Australian Centre for Accelerating Diabetes Innovations (ACADI), Melbourne Medical School. His research focuses on development and use of simulation models to predict long-term health outcomes and healthcare costs, and to conduct economic evaluation of interventions for chronic diseases. He is the sole creator of the world’s first online application for decision analysis and modelling (https://dare.shinyapps.io/tree/), which has been used by researchers in 65 countries and as a tool for teaching modelling at the University of Melbourne. Assoc Prof Tran is the co-Chair of the organising committee of the Mount Hood Diabetes Challenge Network Asia Conferences where leading mathematical modellers participate in modelling challenges and exchanging ideas related to health economics research in diabetes. Before joining the University of Melbourne in 2016, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Maastricht University and Assistant Professor at University Medical Center Utrecht in the Netherlands.

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Yours sincerely,




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