[CELGS- 20-07-2023] Climate adaptive response of rice yield in Vietnam: New insight through panel data modeling with heterogeneous slopes

The UEH College of Economics, Law and Government would like to respectfully invite lecturers/ researchers to come and share your experiences at the CELG seminar:

      • Title: Climate adaptive response of rice yield in Vietnam: New insight through panel data modeling with heterogeneous slopes.

      • Presenter: Prof. Michel Simioni, University of Toulouse, France

      • Time: 10:30 AM (Time in Vietnam), Thursday, July 20th, 2023

      • Location: Room B1-1001, University of Economics Hochiminh City, 279 Nguyen Tri Phuong St, Ward 5, Dist 10, HCMC

Rice production is central to the Vietnamese economy, not only in terms of contribution to Vietnam’s GDP, but also to the food security of its population. However, Vietnam is one of the countries most threatened by climate change in the coming decades, and its rice production. This paper focuses on rice yields and investigates their evolution over time and between provinces over the period 1987-2015, depending on climatic conditions. Special attention is devoted to the impact of heat stress. This impact is measured considering the potential adaptation of farmers to these extreme events. To this end, a damage function allowing for spatial and temporal heterogeneity in rice yield responses to heat exposure is estimated. Data descriptive analysis shows that the provinces with favorable conditions for rice growth are also those that face the most risk of heat stress. The main result of the estimation shows that these provinces have adapted well to heat stress conditions over the period studied, but that their effort to adapt begins to decrease when the risk of heat stress becomes too high. Taking adaptation into account then makes it possible to qualify forecasts of changes in rice yield due to climate change, which are usually made in the absence of any adaptation.

About author

Michel Simioni is a senior researcher at the Department of Economics and Sociology of the French National Institute for Research in Agriculture, Alimentation and Environment (INRAE) and also associate researcher at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of Toulouse School of Economics. He got his PhD in Mathematical and Quantitative Economics at the University of Toulouse in 1984. His career is that of an applied econometrician. His research interests were first in agricultural and food economics, with a special interest in using non and semiparametric econometric tools. He recently became interested in the nutritional transition in Vietnam and the consequences of climate change on agricultural production in that country. He published several papers in economic journals such as American Journal of Agricultural Economics, European Journal of Operational Research, European Review of Agricultural Economics, International Journal of Forecasting, Journal of Applied Econometrics, and Word Development.

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